Hotel Jammu Ashok in Jammu features a total of 47 guestrooms that includes 2 suites as well. The rooms are done up in an elegant and sophisticated way. The comfort quotient of the snug rooms is enhanced by the presence of the in-room amenities like;
Jammu's Hotel Jammu Ashok is renders all the requisite assistance to the corporate guests as well. The hotel features two conference halls where the guests can organize a formal event of any scale and range with panache. The conference hall called the Tawi Room can accommodate as many as 20 business delegates quite comfortably.
Jammu's Hotel Jammu Ashok is mindful of the recreational needs of the guests as well. The hotel features on-site shopping malls and a beauty salon. You can also embark on sightseeing trips and enjoy a dream ride in a houseboat cruise. The hotel also arranges for highly enjoyable cultural programmes.
Hotel Jammu Ashok proffers a wide range of other ancillary facilities that comprise of;
Jammu,the winter capital of the state of Jammu and Kashmir enjoys a pride of place among the other popular tourist destinations in India. If you are a nature lover, you would indeed love to pay a visit to this place where Nature reveals her most sublime beauty.