Offering the guests a choice of 24 opulently furnished guestrooms, Bhanwar Niwas Palace in Bikaner makes your stay in Bikaner an experience to cherish. Besides being meticulously done up, the guestrooms are made more comfortable by the availability of the in-room amenities like air conditioners, luxurious attached baths with bathtubs and running hot/cold water, direct dial telephone and color television with cable channels.
On site restaurant - The on-site restaurant of Bhanwar Niwas Palace in Bikaner knows how to titillate the taste buds of the even the most finicky of food connoisseurs. The Indian, Chinese and Continental delicacies that one gets to sample here are mouth-watering, to say the least. Coffee Shops - There are a number of coffee shops within the hotel premises where the guests can avail rich coffee and light snacks.
Bikaner's Bhanwar Niwas Palace does not displease its business guests either. The hotel flaunts a well configured conference hall that is carefully outfitted with all the requisite state-of-the-art equipment to assist a seminar or business meet.
Bhanwar Niwas Palace features a well equipped Health Center and a sprawling courtyard where you can enjoy the performances of the local musicians.
Laundry, barber, doctor on call, babysitting, currency exchange, parking and travel desk constitute the other complementary facilities and services that the guests are entitled to enjoy at this heritage hotel.
Bikaner is a must-visit tourist destination in Rajasthan well-known for its sand dunes and its best riding camels. The medieval grandeur is reflected in every nook and corner of the city. The history of Bikaner dates back to the he latter half of the fifteenth century when the kingdom was founded by the Rathore prince, Rao Bikaji.