Take your own choice from the 48 well-appointed guestrooms of the hotel. The rooms are designed in a pattern so as to suit the taste and preference of the guest. For a taste of luxury the guests can opt from cottages and suites also. All the rooms are classy and exude a home like feeling. In-room amenities include: cable network, tea/ coffee makers, attached bathroom with running hot and cold water supply.
Make dining a cherished experience as the multicuisine restaurant of the hotel offers an array of gourmet delights that are simply delightful. Try the local Keralite fare that is well prepared that is delicious and healthy. If you want to relax in your room and savor the dishes then the hotel also offers the option of in-room dining for you.
Business has always been a pleasurable affair as the hotel features a well-equipped conference hall that can hold 40 people with ease. It makes for a great venue for business meets and conferences.
Indulge in the various recreational activities that are offered by Saas Tower Hotel, Kochi and make your stay an exciting affair. The games room is an option for recreation. Enjoy the ayurvedic treatments that will revitalize your senses.
The other facilities offered by Saas Tower Hotel of Kochi in India are: major credit cards are accepted, travel desk, room service and lots more.
Flanked by Arabian Sea on one side and Western Ghats on the other Kochi is a unique tourist destination. The charisma of this tropical paradise is simply beyond compare. Covered with tropical plantations, Kochi also features enthralling backwaters and exotic beaches. Some places of interest tourists should not miss out are Handicrafts emporium, Dutch Palace, Jewish Synagogue and St Francis Church.