Hotel Shanti Kutir in Bharatput is rated among the best budget hotels in Bharatpur. Shanti Kutir Hotel in Bharatpur is wellknown for its high quality services offered to its revered guests. Tourists enjoy their visit to Bharatpur while staying at this hotel as they gat decent accommodation at affordable prices.
Hotel Shanti Kutir at Bharatpur offers offers highly comfortable accommodation in the form of well appointed, well decorated rooms. Rooms are immaculately placed and room services are excellent. Rooms are equipped with all the facilities to let the guest enjoy their stay. Rooms are well ventilated and proper lightening. They have an attached bath with 24 hours running hot and cold water. om television would help you to spend your leisure time.
You can offer a treat to your taste hungry taste buds by having dinner at multicuisine restaurant in Hotel Shanti Kutir in Bharatpur. Menu has all the lip smaking Rajasthani dishes which are carefully cooked by skilled chefs. You can also order for Continental and Chinese dishes too.
As for recreational facilities at Shanti Kutir Hotel in Bharatpur, you can take services of travel desk at the hotel which can arrange hassle free and smooth excursions to tourists places at Bharatpur, like the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary and other rock cult temples and fortresses.
There are whole lot of other facilities are also provided to the guests to make their stay at the hotel smooth like doctor on call facility to help you during an emergency house laundry to help you in keeping your clothes clean and tidy, A car parking zone is also available.
Bharatpur is well known for its exotic birds in the bird sanctuary. Spend time with these beautiful, naive birds to relax yourself from city din. There are other tourists attractions also as Lohagarh Fort, Government Museum, Deeg Palace, Jawahar Burj and Fateh Burj among others.