The 48 guestrooms of Hotel Surya make sure the guests are able to enjoy unmatched comfort. The absence of luxury is made up for by the presence of all the requisite in-room amenities that combine to make your stay a pleasurable experience. These in-room amenities comprise of;
Hotel Surya tries every trick in the book to ensure that the food enthusiasts are not disappointed at the dining arrangements. The hotel employs skilled and veteran chefs who can create magic with their fingers. Here the guests can gorge on North Indian, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishfuls.
The well-equipped function rooms offer the appreciable range of business facilities to the corporate guests who wish to arrange a corporate event during their sojourn.
Hotel Surya has a travel desk that offers valuable travel assistance in case you wish to pay visits to some of the popular tourist highlights that Indore is known for.
There are a host of other facilities that the guests get to enjoy at Hotel Surya. These facilities combined with the already mentioned ones create the ideal ambience to help the guest translate their stay into a pleasurable experience:
Indore is a flourishing city in Madhya Pradesh that has also established itself as one of the popular tourist destinations of the state. Touted as the business capital of the state, Indore is dotted with quite a good number of tourist attractions like the Kaanch Mandir, Indore Museum, Lal Bagh Palace, Sitamata Falls, Bada Ganapati, Chhatri BAgh and the Lal Nagh.