Chennai The Residency Towers welcomes you to its wide array of guestrooms that range from standard rooms to club house to a variety of suites. Every room presents an example of class and style. These are indeed the perfect hideaways to enjoy luxurious stay in Chennai. In every room host of modern amenities are also provided to tend to your routine need and requirements.
The Residency Towers in Chennai unfolds exquisite dining and wining venues. These are;
Chennai The Residency Towers offers a fully functional business center that comprises of board rooms, office rooms, chamber rooms and Resinet, a cyber café. The business center is equipped with every state-of-the-art business amenity which makes business task smooth and easy. Besides, in this hotel separate arrangements are made for bigger business meets. The venues for these are Town Hall, Senator, Emperor, The Raj, Imperial and Regal Room.
Host of recreational facilities awaiting you at The Residency Towers in Chennai include fitness center, spa, swimming pool, pool table, salon limelight for Steam, Sauna and Jacuzzi.
Chennai The Residency Towers offers amazing additional facilities that consist of room service, laundry, car parking, doctor on call, credit card acceptance and more.
Situated on the coromandel coast of the Bay of Bengal, Chennai is famous as a center of business and commerce & hub of art and culture. It is best known for its highly developed automobile industry and classical music and dance forms.