At moderate rates Bangalore Woodlands Hotel features a wide range of 211 guestrooms which is truly amazing. Some rooms are furnished with air conditioning systems and some come without this facility. However, in every room some of the basic modern amenities are invariably installed. These amenities include hot or cold water, telephone, fax, television, channel music, and tea/ coffee maker.
Bangalore Woodlands Hotel features exquisite ballrooms and well configured conference hall. In these conference halls up to 1500 delegates can easily be accommodated.
As Woodlands Hotel in Bangalore is located close to many of the tourist attractions in city so you can conveniently pay them a visit. This apart, this hotel features Pedicure clinic and General Stores also.
Some of the additional facilities of Bangalore Woodlands Hotel which will add an extra level of comfort to your stay in Bangalore include travel desk, doctor on call, safety vaults, laundry, money changer, room service and more.
During vacations in Bangalore you can plan out for an excursion to the famous Bannerghatta National Park. This park is around 20 km from the city. It is basically a dry forest. In this forest Neem, Sandal, Tamarind and Jalari trees are found in abundance. This apart, you can also spot Asian Elephants, leopards, Sloth Bears, Chital, Sambar, Monitor Lizards, Pangolin, Vipers, Cobras, Macaques, Porcupines and Mongoose here.