Nestled amidst the lap of tranquility and beauty, Club Mahindra Resort, also known as the Coaker’s Villa, is considered as one of the plush First Class Hotels in Kodaikanal. The misty mountains, fresh air, dark woods, moist pathways - all go on to characterize the locale of Club Mahindra Resort – one of the best Hotels in Tamil Nadu. If you want a luxurious stay and are willing to spend at will, this resort is a highly recommended option for sure.
Situated on sprawling two acres, Club Mahindra Resort - one of the finest Hotels in Kodaikanal offers spacious and opulently decorated rooms to its boarders. The rooms here are classified as follows:
Get yourself the following business facilities:
Leisure options for the boarders at Club Mahindra Resort:
The following services have been taken due care of by one of the sterling First Class Hotels in Kodaikanal:
While at Kodaikanal, visit the Kodaikanal Lake, Coakers walk, Astrophysical Observatory, Fairy Falls, Kurinji Andavar Temple, Shenbaganur Museum.