What is unique about the 64 Slice CT Angio?
The 64 Slice Computed Tomography Angio System is an advanced imaging system that scans your body from head to toe, in under one minute. It helps accurately identify any abnormality.
The system uses X Rays to obtain cross sectional images or slices of the targeted area. An electronic detector absorbs and measures the penetration and transmits the data to a computer system. The computer system calculates and analyses data from each detector and reconstructs multiple two-dimensional / three-dimensional cross sectional images, which provide an accurate picture of the targeted area.
How is a 64 Slice CT Angio beneficial to me?
It is non-invasive and does not require any hospitalization
It is simple, painless and super fast (just under 1 minute to scan the whole body), hence it reduces discomfort normally faced during conventional diagnostic procedures
The shorter scan time promotes the comfortable breath holding, making this procedure ideal for people of all ages.
If you are in a high risk-category, CT Angio scanning can identify deposits on the walls of the heart's blood vessels without resorting to invasive procedures.
In cases of non-cardiac chest pain, CT Angio can detect any other abnormality / body condition causing the pain and facilitate timely and appropriate treatment.
Who should undergo CT Angio scan?
Your doctor will advise you suitably.
In general, CT Angio is best suited for patients with atypical or non-cardiac chest pain or who are undergoing ECG tests and for people with one or more of the following risk factors
Smoking Habit
High Cholesterol Level
Family History of cardiac disease
High blood pressure
Sedentary lifestyle
CT Angio will be useful for pre-employment and pre-insurance checks.
How does CT Angio help in preventive cardiac care?
CT Coronary Angiography offers a non-invasive way to detect narrowed or blocked vessels in the heart. With the help of accurate images of the walls of the blood vessels, your doctor can advise you on how prone you are to coronary artery disease.
How is it different from the conventional cardiac check?
Invasive conventional angiography involves inserting a catheter through the groin or arm into an artery in the heart. As against this, CT Coronary Angiography is a non-invasive outpatient procedure, which does not require any hospitalization or sedation and the whole examination including a calcium scoring test takes under 20 minutes. The breath hold required is just 10 seconds making it accurate and with no discomfort.
How is CT Angio useful to a patient who has undergone a cardiac procedure?
Patients who have undergone cardiac surgeries can get post-operative checks done without any invasive procedure and with least discomfort.
How is CT Angio scan performed? How does the procedure feel?
It involves injecting a dye into a vein in the arm followed by a X-Ray scan. After a series of computations, the images of the deposits on the walls of blood vessels are formed on the screen. It is an outpatient procedure lasting under 20 minutes and the patient feels no discomfort whatsoever.
How do I obtain the results of a CT Angio test?
The results of the CT Angio scan, with the radiologists comments, will be passed on to your cardiologist, who in turn will explain the details to you.
Are there any risk factors involved in doing a CT Angio test?
Some minimal risks like radiation exposure and in some cases adverse reaction to the contrast agent could be there. These are insignificant compared to the advantages of the CT Angio test.
Please note: The cost of Medical Treatment can change without prior notice.
The duration of Medical Treatment can change as per case-specific requirements.
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